Gavin Newsom and the California Supreme Court Remove Taxpayer Protection Act from the Ballot

Fresno County, CA - - Today, Republican George Radanovich released the following statement after the California Supreme Court voted to remove the Taxpayer Protection Act from the ballot.

“Today is a sad day for California Taxpayers as the Supreme Court did Gavin Newsom’s bidding and the bidding of the tax and spend legislators at the Capitol. This is one of the reasons I’m running for the State Assembly, we need more legislators to be the voice of California taxpayers,” said George Radanovich. “The decision to remove the Taxpayer Protection Act fromthe ballot overrides the voice of over 1 million voters who signed the petition for a chance to vote on it. The residents of this state are already taxed to the max, this decision does two things - takes away voters' rights and makes it easier to raise taxes. That's the bottom line.”


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